The Edge Davao 104.3 FM

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TheEdgeDavao - Best in Davao


UCB Initiative for Asia, Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing under the Philippine laws having its primary purpose of facilitating the development of Asian Christians as professional Christian Broadcasters, seeks to adopt United Christian Broadcasters International’s (UCB) common vision and goal to share the Gospel message through its core values and statement of faith.

We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit;

We believe that the Bible is divinely inspired and, therefore, is infallible and entirely trustworthy, and is the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct;

We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ who is God revealed in human form, and we believe in His virgin birth, and his sinless life, His miracles and His atoning death;

We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, in His personal return to consummate God’s Kingdom, and in God’s judgment of the world;

We believe that all have sinned and, therefore, are under God’s condemnation and are separated from Him;

We believe that redemption from the penalty and the power of sin is possible only through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ;

We believe in the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit to make the death of Christ effective for individual sinners, granting them repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and enabling believers to live holy lives and to witness and work for Christ;

We believe in the resurrection of all people, leading to eternal blessing for the believers and eternal punishment for unbelievers; and

We believe that every believer is baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit, and is responsible for keeping unity of the Spirit by loving one another with a pure heart.

Contact info:

Address: 3rd Floor, NB Mercado Bldg. McArthury Hway, Matina, Davao City.

Phone #: (082)297-32-15

Mobile #:0928-118-9278


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2 responses to “The Edge Davao 104.3 FM”

  1. Hello thanks for yet another very good post. Where do you receive your inspiration for all this :|? – Bosal exhaust

  2. papaleo says:

    the worst

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