Soon To Open

Establishments/buildings/resorts in Davao City



toastbox logo2 - Best in Davao

Toast Box

Toast Box is committed to infuse passion, fun and vibrancy to create a new lifestyle experience for our customers. Our customers are greeted by the aroma of freshly brewed Nanyang Coffee, the prominent butter mountain, the smell of freshly toasted bread, and visual sights of coffee or tea pulling. Varying interior styles, display décor and stylised music are pieced together to create a relaxing ambience.

Opening:  soon at SM Lanang Premier Davao City, Philippines








krazy garlik - Best in Davao

Krazy Garlik

Krazy Garlik is one of the newest sister companies of Italianni’s, T.G.I Friday’s, Fish & Co., Flapjacks, Billy Rock, and Pig out under the Bistro Group. Krazy Garlik brings together the best garlic recipes from around the world. Whole or chopped, quickly sautéed or slowly roasted, robust or gentle.

Opening:  soon at SM Lanang Premier Davao City, Philippines

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